Monday, September 29, 2008

Can't Get It Out of My Head

Before waking Sunday morning, the song "The Wizard and I" was running through my head. I just couldn't get it to stop. So, on my way to church, I played it. As I was turning it on, I told Sherry why.

"It seems to me that would make most people think of it even more," she said.

Hmmmm. Maybe that's true. It's not quite how I work, though.

See, as my mind was "listening" to it, it would get stuck at a particular point. My mind could not complete the song because it couldn't remember the next lyric. So it backed up and took another run at it.

I love the song. It wasn't awful hearing it again and again in my head, but I did want to get past it before church.

Then, before we reached Elton Hills Drive, the lyric in question came up. I smiled. "That's it!" And my internal bout with the song was allowed to complete.

So now I have been able to listen to "Claire de Lune" and "Moonlight Sonata" and "Nuages from 'Nocturnes'" without hearing Elphaba belting out her dreams and desires.

It may not be the way other people's minds work. But that's how mine does.


"Can't Get it Out of My Head" is ELO.

"Pearls Before Swine" (a comic strip) calls the song you can't get rid of an "earworm" in the strip for today. "The Wizard and I" is too good to be any sort of worm, but I like the word, nonetheless.

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