Friday, September 5, 2008

And now Baal is Defeated!

It took almost a year from the time Shawn defeated Diablo, but now, finally, Baal is defeated! Shawn has been through the entire Diablo 2 game, expansion and all!

That's right, it was September 13 of last year when we were able to beat Diablo at the end of Act 4 with Shawn. And then last night, September 4 of 2008, Garfonoch was promoted to Slayer!

And I think Shawn's character only died once in the final push from the last waypoint to the killing blow of the ultimate boss in the game.

For the record, Don was playing an Amazon (regular bow-skill focus) and I was playing WottaBigAxe, a Barbarian. Eric played with Shawn for most of the journey, too, but unfortunately, when he tried to join the final battle, he hadn't completed some quest earlier in the game, so he was not allowed down into the Worldstone Chamber to help us finish off Baal.

Amazingly, it took under an hour to make the final rush. I think having a Paladin (Shawn) was very helpful in taking on the waves of tough creatures which faced us in the Throne of Destruction just before facing Baal. And Don's Ice Arrows and Valkyrie were great as well. So, Don's estimate of 30 minutes was pretty good, as it turned out. I know that, on my own, it often takes me 30 minutes just to clean out that throne room.

Congrats, Shawn!

Now we need to find another reason to do on-line Dude nights.

We'll think of something.

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