Monday, August 25, 2008

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 21

Before I regale you about New York and the lessons I learned there, I will post my latest list of micro-reviews.

I will talk about New York, though. I promise. So many things to say...

Dark Knight


A triumph! Joker was maniacal and diabolical. Harvey spent long enough as a good guy that we felt bad for his transformation. Bale was able to be Batman, and Batman was the hero Gotham really needed. So many things were perfect there’s one word that applies: Brilliant!

Sydney White


I had no interest until I was informed this was “Snow White” updated. With “Seven Dorks!” They were so funny! Want something light and cute? Try this.

Stargate: Continuum


It’s nice to see what this group can do with a larger budget. Essentially, a prettier, cooler two-part episode. Time travel is good. Facing the Goa’uld is good. Letting all the key players be involved is good. Jack O’Neill is very good.

Mamma Mia!


This was fun! It took a few moments to get going, but once it started, it kept delivering: smiles, laughs and songs. Stay through the first set of end credits!

August Rush


A fairy tale, with edginess provided by New York City, and magic provided by music, and a child’s perspective. See it once, and I bet you’ll want to see it again someday.

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