Monday, August 4, 2008

"Dance Like Nobody's Watching"

Over the weekend, we attended a wedding (congratulations, Emily & Mike.) As with most weddings these days, there was a dance at the reception.

Sherry and I didn't have a dance following our wedding, and though it's too strong to say we regret it, we always enjoy getting to dance at other weddings.

Of course, I'm not really much of a dancer. While I can keep a beat, I have no particular skill. I suspect I look pretty silly, but I just try not to think about it. Sherry says she has fun dancing with me, and I believe her. I certainly enjoy dancing with her. Sarah and Leah demonstrated their superior skills, and clearly had as much fun dancing as I did watching them. Mostly, it felt great to dance with my wife, under a tent on a beautiful August evening.

The dancing put me in mind of this quote, which I half-knew:

Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching.
Satchel Paige

Great advice.

Speaking of great advice, as I was searching the 'net for the full quote and its attribution, I found this page -- the official "Happiness is a Journey" site. I don't think I've ever read this before, but it certainly lines up with advice I've given before -- and I hope its advice that I take more deeply to heart myself as time goes by.

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