Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Educational Intelligence

Two days ago, on MPR, I heard part of an interview held with one of the top global thinkers in the world today. When asked to address what "big idea" he'd want us to focus on in the area of education, here's my summary of what he said:

Many of the major issues facing the world today are related to, and exacerbated by, the projected global population growth from the current level (~6 billion) to an estimated 9-10 billion by 2050. Issues such as global warming, energy consumption, food prices, health reform at a global level, and so on -- all these are connected to increasing population.

Yet, because population control faces cultural and religious hurdles, working towards that goal specifically is difficult.

However, there is one sociological phenomenon which has always occurred which could accomplish that goal, while providing other clear advantages to dealing with the same problems: Educate Girls.

In every country and population where an effort has been made to educate girls, the average age of first child has risen, and the average number of children per woman has decreased. Always. And, of course, the country/population gains the benefits of educated women in their culture and workforce.

Wow. That's a good idea. That's a big idea. We should get behind that idea. In fact, the idea was discussed at, and the source of the broadcast was, the third annual Aspen Ideas Festival. MPR has been broadcasting interviews and speeches from that event, and they are all interesting and thought provoking. This one can be heard from this link.

For those of you who went to the link, were you surprised?

The thinker/expert being interviewed: William Jefferson Clinton.

Whatever you might think about his sexual sins and the embarrassment he brought to the Presidency through them, we should never forget -- this guy was and is intelligent. And he is as articulate as he is educated.

How I wish we had a President with those attributes now.

Barack Obama has my vote.

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