Wednesday, July 30, 2008

148 Days 'Til ...

I'm listening to Christmas music.

I think the first time I blogged about Christmas Music was August of 2005. [It was my old blog, so be warned - there may be pop-ups.]

That year, I guess I resisted the urge to listen to Christmas music until August 18. This year, I didn't make it quite that long.

I'll bet my blood pressure drops 10 points when Mannheim Steamroller's "Stille Nacht" plays.

I won't enumerate for you all the 'top priority' items I have on my plate -- because I don't blog about work. Clearly, if I am to succeed in handling the stress, I will take all the help I can get.

Now, I'll stop and listen to "Welcome to Our World." Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

1 comment:

Michael Hacker said...

HAH! I always had a rule at the Firm: No Christmas music until Thanksgiving--but I don't make the rules anymore!!!