Sunday, June 29, 2008

Landmark Events (in gaming)

Though it's a Sunday, I feel compelled to point out a couple of events related to gaming which occurred over the past couple of days.

  1. Diablo III has been announced! I was beginning to wonder if Blizzard would just ignore their pay-once franchise and focus on their MMORPGs. Apparently, they are not. Go to for as many details as they're disclosing right now. At least there is a single-player option, so that's a pretty good indicator that the game can be played without a subscription. I hope it's true for the multi-player version, as well. The game looks pretty, and the advances haven't only been in the visuals. It's hard to wait, but we can start a pool now as to its ultimate release date. (Summer 2009, maybe? That's optimistic, I suppose.)
  2. A game of Eurorails was won by a player who built into Scandinavia. I don't think I've ever seen that before. Almost certainly not in a three-player game. On the other hand, it was Big Dog who won, and he's on a winning streak that just won't quit. I expect him to buy a Powerball ticket and get rich soon.
  3. Amazingly, I'm tired of the computer version of "Settlers of Catan." I think I'm about to get sucked back in to Civ III. Maybe I should just buy Civ IV and get started on that addiction.
Happy Sunday, one and all.

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