Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Ticket: "Dream" or "Required"?

As we feared, it's possible that the Democrats are losing themselves the Presidency.

Some people are blaming Hillary for pointing out that Obama is not doing well with some important demographics, including blue collar workers and voters with less formal education. Folks, she said it poorly, but the numbers are there. Now, will those voters come around and vote for him when/if they can't vote for Hillary anymore? I don't think that's as certain as was once thought, and it's not only because the campaign went on longer than we would have liked.

What might have been a "Dream Ticket" in the days following Super Tuesday seems more like a "Required Ticket" today. Obama gets the top spot, because he's earned it, but Hillary might need to be second chair. Had Clinton dropped out six weeks ago, perhaps Edwards or Richardson would have been asked, but could they carry the demographics that Hillary would bring?

Obama is in a tough spot. He wants this election to be about Change and Hope and a New, Respected America. So bringing a VP who he has been portraying as "Old Guard" and "Politics as Usual" would be counter to his message. On the other hand, if he wants to win, he must appeal to those voters who prefer Hillary to McCain and himself.

I used to believe Hillary would not accept the VP job. I now think there's a good chance she would. I might be wrong, but at this point it's what I'm hoping for.

The Congress is going to be remarkably Democratic. Those who prefer stalemate would want McCain butting heads with them. That's not my thinking. We need concerted change. We have to elect a Democrat to the Presidency. So, Mr. Dean, Mr. Obama, Ms. Clinton, Mr. Clinton, Mr. Kennedy - get together and make it happen.

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