Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lost Note

Tonight the strike-shortened mini-season of "Lost" completes. I know I'll love it, but I am amazed that I've really gotten out of the "appointment TV" habit. Factors: the strike; the networks decision to create mini-seasons even before the strike; the dearth of worthwhile series. I miss "Sci-Fi Fridays" and other reasons to set aside time for TV. Yes, I still make it a point to see Battlestar and Lost, most of the time. But one show does not make an evening of entertainment. And, like so many shows, they are only on for a few weeks at a time -- not every week. Now, when I want to watch TV, I have my DVD collection. That's not all bad, mind you. We have two episodes of "Star Trek: Voyager" left in the series -- it's nice to watch stories that I'm sure I will like. I'd just like to have a consistent stream of new stories on TV with that quality. I think we've passed into a new era in TV, though, and it will never return to the pre-strike, pre-reality-TV level of quality and cultural prominence it once had.

[Mike, sorry for the duplication....]

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