Monday, May 12, 2008

Latest Micro-Reviews - Edition 14



Fun parts, silly parts, stupid parts. Good effects. More story than I was expecting, but there were too many characters. Glad I saw it finally, but I won’t likely see it again.



A good film. Believable characters. Teenagers who acted like teenagers. Parents who weren’t caricatures. Can’t say I liked the music, but it fit. We’ll see Ellen Page (Juno) again.

Meet the Robinsons


This was fun! And its characters are from a children’s book Adam owned in 1992. OK, somewhat predictable, but excellent animation and imaginative characters.



Now I wish I had seen “Firefly” and that it had lasted. Lots of actors we like. The story kept me interested. The bad guy was intriguing. We saw it in Mike & Tracy’s theater room – what an experience!

I've actually started the re-ranking I first talked about in the 7th Edition of my Micro-Reviews. I have most of the reviews re-ranked in my alphabetical list of movies and my ranks and reviews. I probably have 40-50 left to re-rank, and then I have to review the changes to make sure things look right.

This weekend, we got to see "Serenity" in Mike & Tracy's theater room. What a way to watch movies! We're talking about turning part of the lowest basement into such a viewing area, once we can get the kids' stuff out of there. Likely a pipe dream, but we are movie people. It would be a fitting extravagance; self-indulgent, but fitting.

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