Friday, April 4, 2008

Battlestar Returns

The final season of Battlestar Galactica begins tonight. It's been so long since the last season ended, I should be anticipating the return greatly. Unfortunately, I'm not, yet. This strike-extended absence has made my desire for TV shows shrink. Nevertheless, I will give BG a chance to re-hook me tonight. I'll watch the final two episodes from last season directly ahead of the first new episode, and I will probably be eagerly anticipating the next installment, as usual.

Personally, I have been quite happy with the updated, dramatic space opera tale they've been telling. Once again, I'm glad I don't remember the original series well enough to be spoiled by the basic story arc. I intend to relish the final season, and I certainly hope the payoff justifies my investment of time.

Yet, even if it falls somewhat short, there have been many excellent stories and characters. A job well done that I will watch again in the future.

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