Monday, February 18, 2008

Latest Micro-Reviews - Edition 10

Lately I've been watching some Monty Python and Stargate: SG1 when I'm alone. When Sherry and I watch DVDs, it's been Star Trek: Voyager. But here are the latest of the movies we've seen.

Star Trek IV – The Voyage Home


Save the Whales. A fun little episode that gives each of the regulars something good to do. And some really funny stuff. I had forgotten that “Annie Camden” (Catherine Hicks) was in it.

Die Hard 2: Die Harder


Being the “worst” of the “Die Hard” saga is not a very good way to say it – it’s the “least good.” Some gory parts, but some really fun action and plot points.

The Stand


Stephen King's masterpiece. Some stories are too long for a single movie; a mini-series allowed each act the time it needed. Gary Sinise is wonderful. Rob Lowe was excellent as deaf/mute Nick. Bill Fagerbakke was perfect as Tom Cullen. Jamey Sheridan still scares me every time I see him because of his role in this apocalyptic tale.

X-Men 2: X-Men United (aka X2)


What a fun, intense story! We get Nightcrawler! We give Phoenix a reason to arise. We get some of Logan’s mysterious past, but not all of it. And we see just how dangerous mutants can really be. Loved it.

I watched about 30 minutes of "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone" last night before heading to bed to read some of "The Golden Compass" before bed. I just had to wait until Harry met Ron, and then they both met Hermione. But then I needed to see what happened to Lyra.

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