Thursday, January 17, 2008

Do I really want to know?

If lasers can burn hot enough to cauterize vessels and keep nose hairs from growing back, why aren't there hand-held laser weapons?

Why did people think hovering cars would be a good thing to have in the future?

How does a guy buy 100 pounds of explosive over the internet, and why would he think it's a good idea to use it to blow up a truck box?

Without socialized medicine, it takes six months to get an appointment with some specialists; how bad would it be with Universal Health Care?

It used to be that 99% of all writing was drivel. Now that blogging exists, is the volume of good writing increasing, or is the percentage of writing that is drivel increasing? And how would we know?

How can there be any sin in sincere? Where is the good in goodbye?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck...?

OK, now I'm just getting silly.

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