Friday, December 14, 2007

Sunny Friday

This will be my last full day of work for 2007. I'll go into the office briefly on Monday, but then I get to have vacation with my family and friends. This sunny Friday heralds a great time of relaxation.

Yes, there will be work to do, but it won't be "work." Shoveling, cleaning, planning for next year's stewardship campaign, figuring out tuition, balancing the checkbook -- these are all ordinary tasks with (mostly) defined end points.

I don't write about work, so I'll just say this: work at home is much, much different from my job. I will gladly take a break from the latter, and will re-energize.


Leah's Concert Choir concert last night was wonderful. And the new "Christmas at Luther: 2007" CD Sarah brought home for me is heavenly.

Let the holidays begin!

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