Friday, December 28, 2007

More vacation

Maybe I couldn't stand to be on vacation every day, but with days like these, it's hard to imagine why...

December 26: Drive to Maple Grove and meet the Will clan at "Dave & Buster's" which has really excellent food and lots of fun electronic games. We chatted. We played trivia. We watched Leah try to get the Power Tower tickets (and she did!). They had a nice room which we used all afternoon, and the room had a flat digital TV with input for a computer, so Sherry was able to display the Will Christmas slide show which she had built the day before. Great fun! Thanks for finding the place, Deb!

December 27: I spent the day at Paul's playing 13 games of Magic! Then supper with Paul & Pete at Happy Joe's. Then "Pirates 3" at home with my ladies. What a day! I also spent time during the car ride down outlining a story.

December 28: Chores, and now relaxation. Exchanging too-small clothing items, getting my new glasses, grocery shopping. Still, not as stressful as work. And I'm to the "fun" part of the day even earlier.

Tomorrow, Paul will arrive and Lee will return. The next day, Sarah will get Troy back. The next day, Pete will get here for New Year's Eve. And throughout that time, Adam will likely be here most of the days. A full house! Games, movies and fun.

When I get into doldrums, I need to come back, read about this vacation, and remind myself that life is full of more than drudgery.

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