Monday, November 19, 2007

Returning with photos

Though I was on a business trip, and though I am usually reluctant to venture away from my hotel (it's a weakness; I admit it) on this trip I did take advantage of the beautiful weather and the hours before and after meetings to see some sights and taste some food. This afternoon, despite having our meetings end later than expected, I went with a couple of colleagues to see a couple of cathedrals and some other landmarks. We also ate at a very good tapas restaurant, and tonight I got to try octopus and garlic mushrooms, as well as have a Spanish crème brûlée. I was so full by the time dessert arrived that I couldn't even eat it all.

Oh, and I had a beer. I think that makes, let's see, ummmmm, yep, one this year so far. But we had been walking for quite some time, and they just don't seem to have Diet Pepsi around here, so I bought a beer.

Anyway, because I got to see some sights, I took some photos. This is good, and it proves that I am still me -- if I go somewhere, I take photos.

And now I must get some sleep before my 5:30 AM wake-up call. Another long day in the air awaits.

Buenas noches!

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