Thursday, October 25, 2007

Today, I write an e-mail

This is a strange phenomenon.

My blog is not widely read. Yet I post to it every day, writing as if someone will read it.

At the same time I know some of my friends would read an email if I sent one to them every day. Even if it contained the same content as my blog. In fact, so would my kids, I bet.

So, despite the fact that this medium provides the potential for me to communicate with more people, the reality is that I communicate with fewer.

Yes, I wish I could get my friends & family to develop the habit of looking here daily (or regularly.) But I can't. They use their time, and develop their habits, in ways that suite them. It's not my game, so I need to play by their rules.

So, today, I will e-mail.

But I won't stop posting. This is a good habit. And, incredibly, I see that Russ has actually found my blog somehow! [Welcome, Russ! How are you?] Without the blog, who knows how long it would have been before he and I were in contact again.

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