Monday, October 29, 2007

Latest Micro-Reviews - Edition 6

It was a movie-watching weekend. Once we had seen "Snow Angel" again on Friday night, and had a chance to hang out with family, we watched the standard Friday night fare ("Stargate: Atlantis" [weak episode], and "What Not To Wear" [very frustrating 'contributor']) and decided we really needed some movies for our Saturday and Sunday. And that's what being "MVP" subscribers at Hollywood Video gets us -- a chance to get lots of movies on the spur of the moment.

So, here's the latest batch. The only great film in the bunch is "Raiders ..." which we watched as we started putting together a very hard Grand Canyon puzzle.

Over the Hedge


Pretty fun. I laughed a few times. Not quite as edgy as the comic strip, but fun characters that were similar enough for a fan.

Perfect Stranger


This was a nice mystery/drama/suspense story. They built the plot well, and the characters made sense in it.

Raiders of the Lost Ark


Seriously fun! Never stops moving. An achievement and a classic from the day it was released.

Pan’s Labyrinth


I didn’t know anything about this movie, other than not to expect a fun fantasy. So I didn’t know it was foreign (Spanish). Moving story, more fantasy than I expected, intense. Worth it, if you want some serious fare.

Little Children


Reminiscent of “American Beauty” with its look at the lives of disconnected suburban “adults.” You could picture every plot point happening, but it still wasn’t predictable, because life isn’t. This is not for everyone.

To be fair: I gave "American Beauty" a 79 rating. I know, it's supposed to be this great film. And I completely understand that the performances were outstanding. I just don't react well to movies that are trying hard to fill me with despair, unless they give me a chance for hope. So, looking back on a few of the movies we've seen recently, it's far more unusual that I gave "The Hours" a 90 than that I gave "Little Children" or "Pan's Labyrinth" a 70-something. If I'm depressed after seeing a film, it's not likely to get a high rating. But that's just me. Your mileage may vary.

As I mentioned when I first started reviewing movies in my blog, ratings between 70-79 usually mean I would give them conditional recommendations.

If you like high-angst drama, bump "Little Children" up on the list. If you can't stand watching people who have "perfect lives" wishing they had more, don't see it.

If you can suspend disbelief, or you remember what it was like to be a child, and you don't mind some harsh reality mixed with your fantasy, see "Pan's Labyrinth."

If you haven't ever read the comic strip, and you like funny, light humor with great animation, "Over the Hedge" is better than many. If you're a fan of the strip, and think RJ should be more like Raymond Barone with a hint of George Carlin, then you might be disappointed.

Next up for viewing: "Wild Hogs" and "Night at the Museum." I'll bet neither of those tries to depress me. But with motorcycles in one and Ben Stiller in the other, it might happen anyway.

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