Monday, October 1, 2007

Latest Micro-Reviews - Edition 3

Here were the films we saw on DVD this weekend. The first three were new to us. And we have three more rented - maybe we'll get to see them, maybe not.

The Fountain


Strangely told. Worth the viewing. Hard to follow for the first 10-15 minutes.

The Last Mimsy


Very Imaginative! The use of the kids was not just a “kid movie” template. Well done! If you like fantasy, see this film.

The Holiday


There were several nice twists that made this unpredictable. I liked all the main characters, and I smiled many times. This was a “comedy” in the classic sense more than the “laughing” sense, and I liked that.

Star Wars Episode 1: the Phantom Menace


Very pretty, and the strong female lead is welcome. Jar-Jar was a mistake, as were “midichlorians”. But a fun film.

This raises the "rating" question again. Did I really like "The Holiday" more than "Phantom Menace"? Well, you know, I sorta did. I'd watch "PM" more often, but it really was more predictable than "Holiday" and didn't give its actors as much to do. Anyway, a rating in the 80's is good, for both of them.

And let me expound on my comments on "Mimsy." When I say "If you like fantasy..." I mean "suspending disbelief enough to enjoy weird possibilities," not "swords and sorcery." If you liked "Field of Dreams" or "The Lake House" or "Deja Vu" or "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" or "Time Bandits" or "12 Monkeys" then you like fantasy, in the sense I mean.

All-in-all, a good weekend of viewing.

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