Wednesday, October 31, 2007

"Going Home"

Today a friend of ours, Becky Monson, died quietly in her room at the hospice. As Karla put it:

"Becky Monson received her crown of glory this morning around 5:30 A.M. She fought the good fight, kept the faith, and WON the race and for that we say, 'Congratulations, Becky! And, thank you, Jesus!'"

We will miss her, of course. The longing to see our departed loved ones feels like a hole that we can never fill. Yet completion and reunion await. This is our Hope. This is our Faith.

Becky and her husband Todd were in our church choir until they moved away a few years back. While she was still here, and long before she got sick, Becky told us that she wanted "Going Home" sung at her funeral. Tonight, we will rehearse it in choir, and we will honor that request at the funeral service on Sunday.

Tears are certain. Sadness at loss, at separation, at mortality. Yet, in the midst of that, the beauty of the music will remind us of the joy of Glory, of Forgiveness, of Eternity.

Goodbye, Becky, for now.

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