Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Kevin Everett of the Buffalo Bills professional football team suffered a spinal injury on Sunday. The injury was termed "catastrophic" and "life-threatening" by his doctors.

Today, however, he is voluntarily moving his limbs.

Some people are calling it a miracle. The surgeon who operated on him is quoted as saying "We may be witnessing a minor miracle."

Another doctor from the hospital said "I don't know if I would call it a miracle. I would call it a spectacular example of what people can do." He compared it to putting a man on the moon or splitting the atom.

From where I sit, it's a miracle. That does not mean people weren't involved in accomplishing the miracle. The word "miracle" describes a wide range of events. But, to me, the use of the word gives credit to God for being involved in an act -- usually an act that is beyond "mere mortals."

For the last two days, when the sports commentators were covering the story of Everett's injury, they kept hearing over and over "Our thoughts and prayers are with him." Did those thoughts and prayers have any effect? The answer is unknowable. But the skills of the medical team had an effect, and in my belief system, those skills are gifts of God, used by the people to whom they were given. It still qualifies as a "miracle" to me.

Even more so when the surgeon involved wants to use the word.

May you notice the miracles in your life.

1 comment:

Michael Hacker said...

Ask and you shall receive.

The desire of a strong individual determined to recover. There is a time to let go and let God, and there is a time for struggle. Motivation is key.