Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Interesting Blog Stuff

In case you ever doubted it, yes, "They" are watching.

OK, it's not "The Authorities" but someone is watching.

This is a cool new tool that the Google blog folks have had for quite some time. Blogger Play: It's essentially a slide show of photos uploaded to blogs by their tools. I think it's cool. But it does point out that more people can see your stuff than you sometimes might think. They have a FAQ if you want to know more.

One of the images that flashed by made me laugh. I wish I had bookmarked the blog from which it came. Anyway, here's the image:

Another note: The main blogger site pointed me to a blog I'm sure I'll visit a lot: Central Comics Zone. It's all about comics -- the "graphic novel" definition of "comic," not the "daily newspaper funnies" definition.

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