Friday, September 21, 2007

The Day is almost Over: "24" Season 3

We didn't get into "24" when it first aired. We tried the first episode, as I recall, and found Jack Bauer too cruel, so we left the show alone. But, of course, it was a hit and is now a mainstay on network TV and in our culture.

So, we decided to borrow the show from our friend and see if we would "get" it. Sure enough - Seasons 1 & 2 were gripping. We were drawn in immediately (after getting past that gruesome first episode) and wanted to watch 45-minute hour after 45-minute hour.

We started watching season 3 in the summer, but it didn't grab us. We picked it up again this month and have enjoyed it, but it's not nearly the same. The characters seem inconsistent, even within the season. Sure, people can be inconsistent, but when you see four episodes back to back, it's pretty frustrating to see a character change so drastically. For a while, Tony is clear-headed and clever and courageous. Then, a couple hours later, he can't react intelligently. Sigh.

Another problem -- the situation is far worse than anything that has happened in real life, and no matter how this season ends, it would be hard for anyone to imagine the world going back to "normal."

Yet, I will watch the rest, to see how they tie things up. From what I understand, season 4 is back to our expectations, so we'll try that some day. This is still better than TV news magazines or most of the "reality" or "game" shows.

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