Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Celebrity: Using it Well

In my entry on "What Really Matters" I expressed frustration with the fascination, media time, and general public mind-share devoted to inane celebrity "news."

Yet, there is Good that can be done by celebrities, and perhaps only by them, because of their fame, charisma and ability to communicate.

The example I bring today is that of Jenny McCarthy. Here's the link to a part of her story, which tells of the difficulty all parents have when hearing a life-changing diagnosis for their child.

Jenny's son has autism. Adam's involvement in autism treatment has certainly raised my awareness of the condition, but it's clear that the public as a whole is hearing more and more about this disorder, its incidence level and its effect.

What McCarthy does, and can do better than others because of her status as a "celebrity," is connect the condition to the humanity. When we read her words, or hear her talk we know this: It can happen to anyone, the feelings are normal, there is a way through it, and it's OK to talk about it.

So, as we should thank Bono, Michael J Fox, the late Christopher Reeve, Oprah (for many things), and all those other celebrities who try to use their fame for the good of others, we can also thank Jenny McCarthy. I might just read her book. Even if I don't, I'm glad she wrote it.

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