Monday, July 2, 2007

Relaxation - at Vermont

[Lake Vermont, that is.]

We just spent an extended weekend at my brother's lake house with him and his family. The house is on the shore of Lake Vermont, a small, pretty lake north of Alexandria. While I believe their television does pull in one channel, we never tried it, and never even gave it consideration. When there's a lake, a dock, a boat, and a sunny spot for a lounge chair, why would we want a TV?

So, I spent a good portion of the weekend reading. Another fair portion of the weekend was spent goofing around with my nephew and niece -- playing baseball, capture the flag, card games. And then there was the excellent sleep, and some even better conversation.

I should probably schedule days like this more often. I doubt the lake is actually necessary for the relaxation; though it certainly helps. So does being away from home and all the responsibilities waiting for me there.

Long weekends are great. They are even better when they have this much relaxation in them.

And now, back to reality.....

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