Saturday, February 21, 2015

Fantastic Den

Over the past few months, I've made some fantastic additions to my den. 

Marvel Titan Hero Series : Sherry bought these for me for Christmas.  They are still boxed, but they won't be forever.  I plan to play with them with James and any future grandchildren, as the grandchildren become of an age where it's safe, and they think it's fun.

Magic: the Gathering Legacy Collection figures.  Six Planeswalkers.  They were an impulse buy -- encouraged by Sherry, in fact.  These guys might stay in their packaging, or they might not.

There Be Dragons:  The Dragon has lit my imagination since my earliest memories of childhood.  Now that the toy/game world can produce such excellent draconic figures, I've started to buy them.  Whether just figures, or from games, I have a decent set of them now.  And my Dungeons and Dragons players get to encounter them on occasion, including in our very next gaming session!

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