Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Why No Y?

I like movies.  I think that is clear by now.  And I have purchased many movies over the years, particularly once they started being available in DVD format.

Shortly after I started buying DVDs, I created a list to track them, but over the past few years I have let that catalog get old, completely ignoring it, especially since my rate of movie purchasing dropped.

ANYWAY, this past weekend, we decided to start the process of reorganizing our movies, so we would more easily be able to find what we wanted.  As we sorted our movies alphabetically (sort of) we came upon a strange fact:

None of our movies start with the letter "Y."

Though one might expect other letters to be rare, it's the "Y" that's missing.  "X" has X-Men movies, "U" has Unbreakable and The Usual Suspects.  "V" has, well, V for Vendetta.  And even "Z" has Zombieland.  And what about "Q," you ask? Well, there's Quantum of Solace -- though we decided to sort that into "J" for James Bond. But still, there is a "Q."

I started trying to think of movie titles I might want to own beginning with "Y" and the only one that popped to mind was Yellow Submarine, which I own on VCR tape, which does me a fat lot of good these days.  After a few minutes thinking, I also came up with Yentl, which I enjoyed at the time, but it's not a movie I would own.  I suppose I could use IMDb to look for other examples, and I may, but I'm just wondering:

Do my readers know of any "ownable" movies which have titles starting with "Y?"

Opinions welcome.


Lucas Will said...

"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" is one that comes to mind. It seems like something you'd like but not sure if you'd watch it enough to warrant owning it.

Unknown said...

"Yellowbeard" a pirate comedy starring the late great Graham Chapman. Lots of cameos. I'll have to dig through my VHS tapes now.

Steve Will said...

Both are suggestions worthy of strong consideration! Thanks, Lucas and Todd.

"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" has many sentimental ties to me, too. And I'd be able to hear some of the fun songs from that show, too!

Tyler tried to post "You've Got Mail" as a possibility, which is a good idea, as well.

Buck said...

Young Frankenstein immediately sprang to mind.